Moving from Rhetoric into Action: Effectiveness of State-Civil Society Synergy for Healthcare Delivery in Rural Ghana
The issue of extending healthcare to marginalized underserved rural population remains a cardinal rhetoric policy of the Ghana Government. Meanwhile we note a growing inequity in terms of access and utilization of quality and affordable healthcare between urban and rural areas of the country. The Government of Ghana through its various policy initiatives in 2002 collaborated with civil societies with the aim of bringing healthcare to the doorsteps of rural folks in the country. Using a mixed method approach through a semi structured interviews and questionnaire administration, and focusing on the Community-based Health Planning and Servicesn(CHPS) programme in Nsanfo community in the Mfanstiman Municipal Area, this study assesses the effectiveness and challenges confronting state-civil society partnership in co-producing a public good (healthcare). We found that synergy between the state (Mfanstiman Municipal Health Directorate) and the civil society (community health volunteers) has yielded positive results in bringing healthcare to the door steps as well as improving the health conditions of the local people in the study area. Nonetheless, certain challenges such as lack of volunteer motivation, deplorable state of the CHPS compound and logistics threaten the very existence of this collaboration. Our study has far reaching implications for healthcare planning in Ghana.
Key words: State, Civil society, Healthcare, Synergy, Rural, CHPS, Ghana
Authors: Francis Jagri (B.A, MSc) and Thomas Yeboah (BA, MSc.)
Over the last few years, debate about the relationship between the state and civil society in achieving the developmental agenda of countries has been a very interesting topic among development practitioners and policy makers (Nair, 2011). This is especially so in the case of developing countries where the challenge of providing quality and affordable healthcare to the citizenry especially those who live in rural areas persists (Berwick, 2004). The state has been the lead agent of development in most of these countries (Nair, 2011; Massoud et al., 2012). One plausible explanation for the dominant role of the state in the development agenda has been that, since the state collects taxes from citizens, it is argued that- it should solely be responsible for delivering public goods and services (Ostrom, 1996).
In this regard, civil society participation in the development agenda of such countries has largely been insignificant. This conventional practice constructs state-civil society relationships on patron-client basis in which the patron (i.e. state) is expected to deliver public goods and services to its clients (i.e. civil society) from whom it collects taxes. In this construct, civil society assumes a passive and “backstage” role in national development instead of playing an active role (Nair, 2011). In some extreme instances, such relationship is even characterized by conflict and distrust as this situation positions the state and civil society as mutually exclusive entities with competing goals instead of being partners in development (Unnithan and Heitmeyer, 2012; Ostrom, 1996).
In reality, however, evidence abounds to show that the state in many countries has not been able to solely deliver the developmental needs of its increasing population (Unnithan and Heitmeyer, 2012; Evans, 1996). This has given rise to further debate among policy makers with the aim of finding more sustainable means of promoting human development. In that regard, the realm of civil society has been identified as one missing link necessary to partner the state in driving general socio-economic development (Banks and Hulme, 2012; Baru and Nundy, 2008; Ostrom, 1996; Evans, 1996). This new discussion is what has triggered the emerging phenomenon of state-civil society synergy in development discourse. The concept is now largely touted as necessary for broadening the developmental framework of nations because synergy fosters complementarities and collective actions that can lead to sustainable developmental ends (Unnithan and Heitmeyer, 2012; Banks and Hulme, 2012, Bruce, 1996).
Contemporary development practitioners thus contend that both the state and civil society have unique qualities that are potentially complementary and compensates each other’s limitations towards achieving significant developmental goals (Baru and Nundy, 2008). As Evans aptly puts it, “state-civil society synergy can be a catalyst for development” and that “the combination of strong public institutions and organized communities is a powerful tool for development” (Evans, 1996:130).
This interesting debate among others motivated the researchers to study an example of state-civil society synergy in co-producing a public good which is rural healthcare in this case. The overall objective of the study was to find out how state-civil society partnership could be adopted as a strategy for bringing healthcare services to the doorsteps of marginalized rural dwellers in Ghana. The paper also looks more closely into the issues that threaten state-civil society partnership in co-producing a public good (healthcare). Our aim was to identify possibilities for state-civil society synergy as well as constraints to such synergetic relationship using the Community-based Health Planning and Services, hereafter (CHPS). This is collaboration between the state and civil society in providing healthcare for excluded rural people in Ghana. We demonstrate that partnership between the state (Mfantseman Municipal Health Directorate) and civil society (healthcare volunteers) has been beneficial in bringing healthcare to the door steps of previously marginalised groups in the Nsanfo community who hitherto did not have access to prompt healthcare. This notwithstanding key challenges such as lack of motivation and dwindling commitment of volunteers, deplorable state of the CHPS compound and logistics among others threatens this synergy and therefore warrants urgent attention from all stakeholders. Although this study did not seek to provide generalizations of the impact of state-civil society synergy in providing healthcare, the findings have far reaching implications for rural healthcare planning and community development.
The paper is structured as follows: The next section provides a brief theoretical framework underpinning the study. A review on the manifestation of state-civil synergy in developing countries is outlined. We then provide an overview of the CHPS in Ghana. This is followed by the methodology employed in the study. Section five presents the results of the study. The penultimate section discusses the results in the light of existing literature. The last section concludes by offering some policy suggestions.
Theoretical Framework
An important theory identified in the narratives regarding state-civil society partnerships in co-producing a public good is the role of social capital in nurturing effective synergies between state institutions and civil society. Indeed it is believed that social capital is one of the crucial elements necessary for synergic relationships to emerge in the first place and or to be sustained. According to Brown and Ashman (1996), cultivating and enhancing social capital in the forms of local organizations and networks is an essential task in building state-civil society partnerships that taps local resources and energies for addressing developmental challenges such as healthcare. This social capital of a community has been defined in terms of those societal networks that are grounded in structures of voluntary association such as family relations, norms of reciprocity and cooperation, attitudes of social trust as well as respect shared by the state and members in a community (Putnam, 1996).
In a number of different synergy case studies conducted by authors such as Ostrom (1996) and Evans (1996), they all theorize in their conclusions that high social capital endowments in a community had been found to be associated with cooperative social problem solving whiles low social capital endowment affects the sustainability and effectiveness of any state-civil society collaborations for problem solving. This study therefore adopted the concept of social capital as an underlining theoretical framework.
Healthcare delivery in developing countries: A manifestation of state-civil society synergy in practice
Access to quality and affordable healthcare remains a major challenge in most developing economies especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Massoud et al., 2012). As a result of established correlations that exist between health, productivity and equitable development, healthcare improvements have become a key agendum of developing countries (United Nations, 2000; Sachs, 2005). The state in most countries especially in SSA has predominantly been the provider of healthcare services but this has been confronted with several challenges. According to the World Health Organization (2012), issues such as economic mismanagement, geopolitical constraints, transportation, limited healthcare workforce and infrastructural challenges affect the attainment of sustainable healthcare in many developing countries. In spite of the billions of dollars of aid dispensed over the years, an astonishing 50 percent of SSA total health expenditure is financed by out-of-pocket payments from its largely impoverished population. In addition, most SSA countries lack trained personnel, facilities and infrastructure necessary to provide and deliver even minimal levels of health services (World Health Organization, 2012).
This rather uncomplimentary description of healthcare delivery in sub-Saharan Africa is not surprising. Given the complex and interconnected nature of the healthcare sector, it is practically impossible for states in such economies to possess all the resources, information and competence necessary to effectively deliver quality healthcare without assistance from other sectors of the society (Centre for Global Development, 2009). In this regard, civil society especially private sector actors have intervened to compliment the efforts of governments in the provision of public goods. According to the Centre for Global Development (2009), more than one-half of all healthcare services to the poorest people in developing economies are provided by civil societies including private doctors, volunteer workers, drug sellers, and other non-state actors.
In supporting the increasing importance of the civil society in healthcare delivery, Burger et al. (2012:1) also argue that “it is unlikely that any pragmatic solution to increase healthcare access can be achieved without active participation of both the private and public healthcare sector”. In such collaborations, civil society organizations act as either direct providers of healthcare services in partnership with the state, contracted by the state, or they totally take over in areas where the state has ceased to operate (Unnithan and Heitmeyer, 2012). The former typology manifest in the CHPS programme as it is based on collaboration between the state i.e. Ghana Health Service, and civil society in the form of community health volunteers. State-civil society relationship in healthcare provision could also manifest by way of the state giving preferential incentives to private sector health providers in forms such as subsidies for their cost of operations, special tax exemptions and even direct funding (Brinkerhoff, 1999). Civil society organization’s engagement in the health sector of countries thus introduces new institutional, social, financial and other complementary resources to the healthcare systems.
One important advantage of civil society involvement in healthcare delivery is that, they most often possess the ability to reach usually marginalized and poorly served remote communities (Unnithan and Heitmeyer, 2012). The Centre for Global Development (2009) argues that civil society, especially the private health sector, often present significant opportunities to improve access to and coverage of services critically needed to achieve the internationally acclaimed health-related Millennium Development Goals. These reasons and more therefore make valid cases for the state to collaborate with civil society to fill in the gaps where the state is lacking.
The Community-Based Health Planning Services (CHPS) in Ghana: An Overview
The introduction of the CHPS is in line with the national healthcare agenda of posting health nurses to every corner of Ghana with the ultimate aim of bringing healthcare to the doorstep of every citizen (Ghana Health Service, 2002). The implementation of the programme had become necessary when it became evident that more than some 70% of the Ghanaian population still lived over 8 km from the nearest healthcare centre after years of experimenting with various “health for all” strategies. This slow progress thus necessitated the need to bring healthcare service closer to the rural dwellers (Ghana Ministry of Health, 1998). The CHPS programme was devised as the most appropriate solution after thorough pilot experimentation in Navrongo in the Upper East region of Ghana focusing on the mobilization of “volunteerism, resources and cultural institutions for supporting community-based primary health care” (Nyonator et al, 2005:25).
The prime motivation for the Navrongo experiment was based on the conviction of stakeholders that social resources such as community organization and pre-existing social networks had been underutilized and thus could be tapped to make volunteering services in healthcare provision more effective and sustainable. This pre-existing social network is what Ostrom (1996) and Evans (1996) refer to as social capital, i.e. the single most crucial resource needed for effective state-civil society synergy. The Navrongo experiment and subsequent nationwide implementation of the CHPS programme was therefore seen as finding a sustainable solution to healthcare deficits throughout the country (Binka et al., 1995 as cited in Nyonator et al., 2005).
A key component of CHPS is that, it is a community-based and volunteer-led service delivery point. In practice, it is run by a community health nurse from the Ghana Health Service and community health volunteers who participate in the provision of primary and family planning services through outreach programmes led by the health volunteers. A typical CHPS compound serves as community of not more than 3,000 residents and focus on such health services as family planning, treatment of minor ailments, supervising child delivery, antenatal/postnatal care, immunization and health education (Nyonator et al., 2005). Figure 1 depicts how the CHPS compounds have increased across the country since its conception in 2002. As at 2011, about 1675 CHPS compounds had been constructed across rural communities in the country.
Figure 1: Number of CHPS compound from 2002 to 2011
Source: Ghana Health Service, 2011
Establishing a CHPS programme like the one in Nsanfo requires six (6) processes. These procedures are based on lessons from the Navrongo experiment. In chronological order, Table 1 depicts these six procedures.
Table 1: Procedures for establishing CHPS compound
Community awareness building, outreach to traditional leadership
Community entry
Community mobilization and participation, involvement of traditional leadership through durbars and cultural diplomacy
Community health compound
Community labour ad resource mobilization for construction of health compound to instill community ownership of primary service point.
Community health officer appointment
Mobilize providers to visit households’ community and mass education on CHPS operations.
Procurement of essential equipment
Procurement of logistics such as bicycles, motorbikes, health kits, motorbike riding training and maintenance capacity building.
Recruitment and deployment of volunteers
Selection of health volunteers by the community health committee in conjunction of traditional leaders. Training of volunteers in basic healthcare provision, family planning and the administration of first aid.
Source: (Ghana Health Service, 2002).
This study specifically takes notice of the third (3rd) and sixth (6th) milestone which involves the use of volunteer labour and community resources to construct the community health compounds and the recruitment and training of community health volunteers respectively.
Data and Research Methods
The research reported in this paper adopted case study/mixed methods design which combined qualitative and quantitative methods but with more focus more on the qualitative method. The adaptation of this mixed method is aptly supported by Yin (2003) when he argues that it is necessary to use both qualitative and quantitative methods in a case study because it enhances and strengthen research findings. Caruth (2013) also argue that, the mixed methods offers richer insights into a case being examined and enables the capturing of some relevant information that might be missed by relying on only one research method. In this regard, qualitative methods such as the semi-structured interviews and a review of secondary documents including official Government reports, articles and books were employed in data collection, complemented by quantitative methods by way of household survey based on a questionnaire.
Official data on the total population of the study community-Nsanfo is not available. So it was difficult to decide for a representative sample who will respond to the questionnaire before the data collection started. In this way, in selecting participants for the study, our approach was meant to interview as many people as possible until data collected from the participant(s) reached saturation point i.e. when no more insight from the participants will be useful. This was achieved when the 103rd person was interviewed. This approach provided equal space for each member of the community to be interviewed. We recognise the possibility of sampling bias especially in terms of age, gender, occupation etc although this did not affect the conclusions reached. Moreover since the data was more qualitative, sampling representation was not much of a focus as the intention was to understand views and perceptions regarding the effectiveness and threats to state-civil society synergy in providing rural healthcare. Interestingly, there was a 100% response rate to the questionnaires as households were eager to participate in the exercise.
The relevant key informant that were selected for a semi-structured interview using the purposive sampling technique included the Director of the Mfantseman, Municipal Health Directorate (MHD), the Mfantseman Coordinator of CHPS, the Health Nurse at the Nsanfo community CHPS compound and 5 out of the 8 Nsanfo CHPS community health volunteers(civil society group). The choice of the semi-structured interview technique was because it was flexible and gave the interviewees a great deal of free hand in how to reply to our interview schedule (Bryman, 2008). More importantly, the semi structured interview provided us the space to single out and probe further on some key issues raised by the interviewees which were crucial to the study. Data collected covered respondents’ level of access and utilization of healthcare before and after the implementation of the CHPS as well as benefits and challenges of associated with the programme.
The information gathered from these set of interviews were transcribed and triangulated to identify concurring and deviating themes and what they meant for the phenomenon under study. The quantitative data obtained has been analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequencies with the aid of the Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS) while direct quotations and thematic analysis were used in reporting the qualitative data. It is important to state that, this study did not seek to make generalizations about its findings, but rather to investigate the specific local context of the impact and challenges of the CHPS programme in the Nsanfo community. However the findings reported herein has far reaching implications for general socio-economic development, particularly healthcare planning. The next section presents our results from the field work.
Moving from Rhetoric into Action: Analyses of the effectiveness of the CHPS in rural healthcare
Respondents were asked to provide the nature of healthcare delivery before and after the implementation of the CHPS programme, the effectiveness of the CHPS in improving community health and the various pathways through which the programme has improved their health conditions. Table 2 submits respondents’ perspectives on the main source of health treatment for ailment before the introduction of the CHPS in the local community.
Table 2: Main sources for treatment prior to establishment of CHC
Source of healthcare before the CHPS
Mfantsiman hospital
Clinic in nearby village
Self medication
Source: Field work, 2014
Generally, discussions with the local people suggest that, prior to the establishment of the CHPS compound, the health conditions of people was not something one could be proud of. Frequent injuries without treatment, occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases, maternal deaths, poor child health and insanitary living conditions are among some the health challenges that the local people were confronted with. Results in Table 2 reveal that majority of the people (96) 93.3% resorted to a clinic in another village (Anomabo) which is about 15km away from Nsanfo in their effort to treat ailment. This coalesces with information obtained from the Municipal Health Directorate as seen below:
“Almost all of the people of Nsanfo before the programme had to travel long distance to another community especially Anomabo to access healthcare. In instances where there were emergency cases, there was always a high likelihood of death especially maternal mortality. Most of the pregnant women died on their way to hospitals to deliver when there were emergencies. This was so as a result of the bad roads, you yourself am sure you have seen the nature of our roads as you travel to the community every day. The CHPS compound has drastically changed this situation”.
The above statement begin to capture the decision of the Ghana Health service to partner with volunteers in providing rural healthcare which is justified by the issue of accessibility, i.e. long distance covered before accessing health facility. To compound the problem of long distance from Nsanfo to Anomabo, the poor nature of the road linking the two communities further affected the capacity of the people in attending the clinic in Anomabo with some resorting to traditional medicine. The situation became more precarious when emergency health issues came up such as transporting women who were in labour.
Another factor that affected the capacity to seek proper healthcare before the CHPS in the adjoining village was the obvious high poverty levels. Majority of the inhabitants of Nsanfo are essentially peasant farmers who cultivate purposely for subsistence. In instances where they are able to sell some of their farm produce to raise some money, the accrued funds is usually spent on buying some items for the home which is barely enough for them to afford proper healthcare services in the Anomabo clinic. Overall, the state of healthcare delivery prior to the establishment of the CHPS was generally poor as the local people could not easily access health services as and when needed. Thus the establishment of the CHPS has not only been beneficial in the treatment of ailment, but has also reduced transportation cost of getting to the next village to access health service.
Table 3: Use of CHPS facility
Use of CHPS facility
Source: Field work, 2014
Table 3 displays the views of the respondents regarding the use of the CHPS in the study area which indicate a high level of use of the facility. As seen majority (99) of the respondents representing 96% indicated to be among those who use the CHPS compound when there is the need to seek for treatment of an ailment while only 4% affirmed otherwise. Even the 4% who indicated otherwise suggested that the only reason they had not used it yet was the fact that, since the establishment of the clinic, they have not fallen ill up till now. However in the event that they needed healthcare services for treatment of an ailment, they will of course utilize the services provided at the CHPS compound.
Among those who used the health service, it was discovered that pregnant women represented a high proportion. The reason is that about 50% and 22% of those who use the health facility indicated that pre-natal and post-natal care is the major reason why they visit the health facility respectively. This revelation implies that, the CHPS programme if properly resourced can go a long way in helping to reduce cases of maternal and infant mortality rates in the village and Ghana at large. This can help achieve the 4th and 5th goals of the MDG and the national healthcare aspiration of zero maternal and infant mortality. The high level of patronage of the CHPS on the part of the respondents is consistent with information that was gathered from the Municipal Health Directorate. In an interview, the Municipal Health Director stressed:
“The community uses the CHPS facility for its purpose. There is high attendance rate.”
On the same issue of utilisation of the facility, the Municipal CHPS Coordinator also had this to say: “I will rate the patronage rate as 80-90%.”
Result on the perceptions of the people regarding the effectiveness of the CHPS in improving healthcare delivery shows that the programme has been beneficial to the local people in terms of their health needs. All the respondents (103) indicated that the CHPS programme has been effective in improving the health needs of the Nsanfo community and even surrounding villages. It has radically aided the local people to have prompt access to healthcare service; thus, bringing affordable healthcare to their doorsteps. In an interview, the community health nurse professed:
“ As for this CHPS compound in Nsanfo, I can say it came at the right time because it serves all the surrounding villages such as Akraman, Fomena,Gyakuma, Nsaadze, Obontsir and Eshirow which have an estimated population of 4,075 and hitherto had to travel long distances to Anomabo for healthcare. All the nursing mothers and pregnant women from these villages all come to this CHPS compound for post-natal and ante-natal services”.
This statement from the community health nurse suggests that surrounding communities in Nsanfo all seek healthcare from the CHPS compound in the Nsanfo village. However specialised cases such as problem of the eye, kidney, ear and especially complicated delivery are not catered for by the community health officials under the CHPS programme. Thus, cases beyond the control of the officials are transferred to larger hospitals in the municipal capital. This is a major principle underlying the CHPS programme. The inference that can be made is that, had respondents been asked to evaluate the ability of the CHPS centre in terms of treating all of these special cases, there is the high likelihood of generating contrary results. Nonetheless the CHPS programme in Nsanfo has been beneficial in responding to basic healthcare needs. Its relevance should therefore be evaluated against this background.
Interviews with respondents further indicate that, cases of maternal and child death, malaria and diarrhoea have also decreased due to the operations of the programme as volunteers constantly visit households and educate them on good sanitary practices. Table 4 depicts the services provided by the CHPS compound in Nsanfo. It contains official health statistics obtained from the Mfantseman Municipal Health Information Officer as part of data collection. The statistics presented reveals the important role that the CHPS programme is playing in the Nsanfo village.
Table 4: Services provided by the CHPS compound
Family planning (new registrants )
Child welfare services( no. Of children attended to)
Immunisation for children between 0 to 11 months
Integrated management of childhood illness (no. of cases reported by volunteers)
School health services by community health officials (no of children examined for health complications)
Vaccination (no. Of people vaccinated)
Out Patients Department
Source: Nfanstiman Municipal Health Directorate, Information Office, January 2014
As can be seen, the numbers represent the annual record of beneficiaries that patronised the various services offered under the Nsanfo CHPS programme. Prior to the introduction of the CHPS compound, all these services as presented in the earlier discussions were received from the Anomabo clinic which is about 15km away from the Nsanfo community. The bad nature of the road and high cost of transportation further discouraged the inhabitants from travelling to seek medical attention even when the need arose. Thanks to this CHPS compound, the residents are now relatively enjoying the above illustrated services ranging from immunisation of their children to child welfare services, family planning and vaccination within their backyard.
It is important to state that the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness also known as IMCI is volunteer-run. Indeed, the volunteers who form a crucial part of the CHPS programme are given some intensive training in early childhood illness detection courses in order for them to be able to detect such diseases when they visit homes in the performance of their duties. In effect, it can be said that these services rendered by the Nsanfo CHPS compound has cumulatively improved the quality of healthcare of the people of Nsanfo through prompt access and reduction in the distance covered in order to seek for health treatment. Indeed, healthcare is now delivered at the doorsteps of the Nsanfo people as envisaged by the Ghana Health Service.
Challenges associated with state-civil society partnership in healthcare provision
Inspite of the benefits discussed in the foregoing section, the programme is beset with key challenges which hinder its smooth progress. These cover issues relating to the volunteers, logistics, finance and the deplorable state of the CHPS compound..
Lack of motivation and fatigue of Volunteers
One major factor which poses as a threat relates to volunteer-fatigue. Interviews with the Community Health Officer, the district CHPS programme Coordinator and the Municipal Health Director all show that the commitment of the volunteers is waning down. The volunteers play a crucial role in the smooth operation of the CHPS programme hence a loss of interest in the volunteering cannot be underestimated as it poses grave danger to the whole existence of the CHPS programme. The reason for this apathy on the part of the volunteers could be summed up in the words of the Municipal Health Director:
“.....The commitment of the volunteers is dwindling. They sometimes demand monthly allowance for the work they are doing but that would defeat the whole purpose of the CHPS programme. Even if we were to give them some allowance for their work, such monies must come from the community because the CHPS compound and programme itself is for them. No such monthly allowance has been budgeted for in the annual budget of the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service for that matter. Monthly allowance for volunteers was not factored into the original design of the whole CHPS concept so there is no way we can pay them such monies. However when there are isolated World Bank funded programmes like immunisation, we involve them so that they could receive some motivation/allowances as such World Bank projects come with funding .....”
This information from the Municipal Health Director raises quite a number of salient issues. Arguably, civil society side of partnerships in the synergy equation often involves voluntary collective action. Now, as the CHPS concept does not make any component to remunerate volunteers, it leaves us to wondering if the programme can stand the test of time. As civil society (volunteers) form the backbone of the CHPS programme and their interest in this particular case study for example is dwindling; then it raises issues about how sustainable the CHPS programme would be in the Nsanfo community. Although the volunteering work under the CHPS programme attracts no financial reward, lack of motivation for the volunteers has also accounted for the current feeling of volunteer-fatigue. This prompted the researchers to enquire what is meant by “motivation” on the part of the volunteers. One of the volunteers shared his ordeal:
“Even the last time when we went for a programme, there was a promise of GH¢10 (about $3) a month to cover cost of transportation and feeding for volunteers when they come for monthly weighing programmes. However they have not paid us that money for about 9months now since we started going there. They keep re-assuring us that they will pay all the outstanding arrears but still have not as we speak now. so my brother, if we use our little savings for transportation and feeding at these programmes and they make these promise to re-imburse us and then fail for 9 months now, how do they expect us to continue to go round the village volunteering ?”
The above quote aptly re-echoes the sentiments most of the volunteers interviewed expressed. This promise of GH¢10=$3 a month is different from the monthly allowance the volunteers are demanding. The promised monthly GH¢10=$3 which is even in arrears is far less than what the volunteers are demanding as monthly allowance and can only be received as and when a volunteer comes for the monthly weighing programmes organised by the Mfantseman Municipal health Directorate. What this implies is that, failure to attend such programmes means that the volunteer receives nothing at all. In all, the picture that was painted was that, even though at the commencement of the CHPS programme, it was made clear to the volunteers that they would not be paid for their work; most of the volunteers interviewed now feel at least they should be given ”something small” monthly for sacrificing their time to serve the community. In the words of one of the oldest volunteer (63 years old):
“My son, look at me, at my age I still felt it good to volunteer. I go round the village all the way to Akraman to do my job. Even if they will not pay us for our work, at least they can give us logistics like motorbikes or bicycle to help us in our work. Sometimes, you are sleeping and they call you to come and attend to an emergency situation in a nearby village. I have to walk all the way to Akraman in the night and even sometimes in the rain, it is not good at all, the authorities have to help us.”
The inference this study makes is that, in the absence of isolated programmes like the World Bank funded health projects, the Municipal Health Directorate would not have the financial wherewithal to sustain the CHPS programme in the Nsanfo community. The expectations that the community should bear the responsibility of remunerating the volunteers too is not feasible as it was obvious from discussions and observations that they lack the economic power to shoulder such a responsibility on a sustainable basis. Information gathered from the volunteers confirms that this lack of adequate motivation and support is what has accounted for their dwindling interest in the operationalisation of the programme.
Deplorable condition of the CHPS compound
Aside the lack of commitment on the part of the volunteers, another factor that threatens the very existence of the programme in the study area is the poor state of the CHPS clinic. Visits to the CHPS compound revealed that the building is in deplorable state. One of the health officials could not hide her feelings as seen in the quote below:
“My brother, you just take a look at our CHPS compound (pointing to the building), it is in a deplorable and bad condition, how do you expect us to feel safe to give out our best under these conditions? “.
What is particularly worrying is that when it rains, the whole facility gets flooded and it considerably affects the day to day work of the health officials. The above issue was well echoed during the household survey when the researcher asked what recommendation they would give to improve the CHPS programme in their community. A whopping 96% of the respondents indicated that, they wanted a new community health because the current CHPS building is dilapidated. While this challenge particularly could lead to the collapse of the CHPS programme, it was discovered that there is currently no effort to help salvage the situation especially from the Municipal Health Directorate (MHD) as seen in the words of the Municipal Health Director:
“Infrastructure provision is outside the domain the of the Municipal Health Directorate , it is up to the community members to provide a proper CHPS compound and maintain it, that is the arrangement in the whole CHPS idea. Nonetheless we can appeal to the Government for support and see if something can be done about it.”
This response re-echoes the failure of the Government of Ghana in living up to its expectations. The Government among other thing is responsible for the provision of healthcare facilities for all citizens including the people of Nsanfo as they pay tax. The argument that infrastructure provision is outside the domain of the MHD leaves one wondering what then is the role of the Government. It therefore appears that the only role that the MHD plays in the operation of the CHPS programme is to post nurses to the facilities to run it and also periodically train volunteers. We acknowledge the logic that, even though the idea behind encouraging communities to build their own CHPS compound is to instil a sense of ownership of the programme, we nevertheless argue that, some provision should be made in the budget of the Ministry of Health to cater for the repairs of some of the dilapidated CHPS compounds. This is so because, high levels of poverty in most rural communities including Nsanfo makes it unfeasible for the inhabitants to bear the cost of building new a CHPS compound. The MHD just posting nurses to CHPS compound and undertaking periodic training of volunteers is not enough to ensure sustainability of the CHPS programme in the Nsanfo community.
Poor Logistics
There is also the problem of poor logistics and the lack of facilities such hospital beds, essential drugs and other equipment that could aid the work of the health officials. This has undeniably affected their work. Additionally, accommodation for health officials and lack of constant flow of water in the facility and security personnel to provide safety for the health facility especially at night directly or indirectly affect the smooth running of the programme in the study area. This latter problem was highlighted by one of the health officers in the CHPS compound when she indicated in the course of her interview that
“We are sometimes scared for our lives because of threats of assault from some of the youth in the community. Sometime ago, some young men came to knock on my door in the middle of the night claiming there was an emergency in a nearby community, I didn’t come out because I was afraid they threatened to assault me anytime they meet me in town”
When probed further as to why she refused to attend to an emergency situation, she responded that:
“My brother, how could I come out at that time of the night when it was all over town that the abrafu (executioners) were looking for human heads to bury the king with”
For clarification purposes, we could understand the predicament of the health officer in refusing to answer the call to emergency in the middle of the night. There is a prevailing myth especially in rural communities that whenever a chief or king dies, custom demands that humans are sacrificed as part of the rituals to bury the king and bid him a final farewell befitting of a king. Indeed there is a belief among majority of the populace that traditional rulers especially societies are somehow associated with human sacrifice directly or with their tacit approval for various secret rituals (Ephirim-Donkor, 2012). When a king dies for example there is usually a widespread perception that executioner (Abrafo or adumfor) from the king’s palace engage in an orgy of human sacrifice as part of burial rituals in order to transform the dead kings into deities. The supposed logic behind this alleged human sacrifice is that, as a king in his previous life, he would need people to escort and serve him when he finally arrives in the afterlife. Even though we cannot fully independently ascertain or validate this myth, one cannot also underestimate the claim by the community health officer because the myth is very popular especially in traditional communities. Her fears were therefore understood.
Discussion of Study Results
Bridging the rural-urban gap with regards to infrastructure development and access to social services especially healthcare has been on the policy agenda of successive governments in Ghana. Indeed Ghana government envisages providing quality, affordable and equitable healthcare to all its citizenry irrespective of their geographical location and socio-economic circumstances (NDPC, 2003). This ambition has however been stymied by several obstacles ranging from the lack of adequate financial resources to the sheer lack of political will to make healthcare provision a topmost priority by successive governments that have ruled the country. To suffice, one major initiative that has been implemented to reduce health inequities between rural and urban areas and of advancing equity in health outcomes through removing geographic barriers to healthcare service is the CHPS programme (GHS, 2002). The Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS) accordingly adopts the CHPS initiative as one if its major pro- poor health services intervention for the rural dwellers in Ghana (NDPC, 2003).
Effectiveness of the CHPS programme in Rural Healthcare Delivery
Empirical studies focusing on the outcomes of the CHPS programme has found that the programme represents an innovative approach of bringing healthcare to the door steps of hitherto marginalized. The CHPS initiative according to GHS (2007) is also reported to have enhanced child health, maternal mortality and treatment of basic diseases. Indeed, communities that have witnessed the implementation of the CHPS programme have seen a tremendous improvement in terms of access and health outcomes (Send Ghana, 2013). As argued in the theoretical framework of this study assessing the impact of cooperative programs as the CHPS is not a simple matter as the measurement of what constitutes a "success” or “failure” of the programme can be a thorny issue. Uvin (1995) as cited in Brown and Ashman (1996) maintains that it is practically difficult to calibrate the different impacts of such collaborative programmes but the capacity to affect large numbers of people is an important aspect of programme effectiveness. The Nsanfo case study largely validates the above assertion.
Results from the current study indicate that the implementation of the CHPS programme has significantly reduced the distance that the local people cover in order to meet healthcare needs. Residents hitherto had to travel about 15km to Anomabo to seek medical attention for the smallest illness but this has been drastically reduced to less than 2km (depending on one’s proximity from the facility) with the establishment of the CHPS compound in Nsanfo. This is consistent with studies that have been conducted by other researchers and organizations in the country (Tierozie, 2011; Nyonator et al., 2003). In his impact assessment of the CHPS initiative in the Berekum Municipality in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana, Tierozie (2011) discovered that the programme largely enabled people in the municipality to have convenient access to health service in their community instead of travelling long distances in order to access healthcare. Nyonator et al. (2003:24) in a similar study on CHPS in the Volta region of Ghana found out that “emergency services are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week; people appear to develop rapport with the community nurse and feel they are obtaining services from a caring individual are all indicators that the CHPS programme has been effective in rural healthcare in the Volta region of Ghana”. Inasmuch as the case study of Nyonator (2003) seems to reflect the situation in the Nsanfo CHPS programme, this study acknowledges that the circumstances and characteristics in Nsanfo and the Volta region are not the same hence some other factors could account for the successes chalked by the CHPS programme in both communities hence both ought to be evaluated on their own merits.
In the larger context, the programme contributes to poverty reduction by making access to healthcare more affordable. Fortunately for the people of Nsanfo, the implementation of the nationwide National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in 2003 relieves them of any financial burden of paying for some common health conditions which are all covered by the insurance scheme. Once a community member is registered with the insurance scheme, he or she does not pay for any of the services and medication captured under the scheme when they visit the CHPS health centre. The little funds residents accrue from sale of farm produce and petty trading could therefore be channelled into other productive activities by households thus increasing their purchasing power and standards of living ultimately.
The volunteering component of the CHPS programme also brings healthcare services to the doorsteps of residents especially with special attention on preventive healthcare through their health education when they visit households thus improving their general healthcare conditions (Acquah et al., 2006). Undoubtedly the decision to experiment and subsequently extend the implementation of the CHPS programme to various parts of the country has afforded many people the opportunity to access health care service. This innovative synergy between the state and the civil society represents an important strategy in addressing the development challenge of healthcare access and utilization especially to rural inhabitants in the country (Adjei et al., 2002).
Data from the current survey indicates a high patronage in terms of usage of the CHPS compound by the people in the study area in the treatment of all sorts of illnesses. This finding corroborate with district, regional and even countrywide level situation. The Ghana Health Service (2011) report suggest that between the periods of 2009 to 2011, the total population who were actually utilizing the various CHPS compound in the country increased from 16.8% to 21.8%. This is partly attributed to the substantial increase in the establishment of functional CHPS compound from 868 to about 1,675 over the same period (GHS, 2011). Indeed the programme has been extended and has become truly a national development strategy in rural development in the country (Nyonator, 2003).
Results further indicate that reported cases of illnesses by patients from the Nsanfo community and its catchment areas in the CHPS health compound increased from 752 in 2012 to 849 in 2013 as seen in Table 3, an indication of actual utilization of CHPS facilities as a means to seek treatment for illnesses. Earlier researches in the Upper East region where the CHPS programme was first experimented have highlighted comparable conclusions. It is estimated that the CHPS programme contributed to a rise in out-patient department (OPD) cases from 5% in 2009 to 13% in 2011 while supervised delivery also increased from 52.6% to 67.5 % over the same period in the region. Indeed, the CHPS initiative serves as a means to bring to an end the vertical programmes through providing pathways and mechanisms for rendering healthcare services in a decentralized system. It thus involves processes of evidence-based organizational reorientation for extending the logic of the sector-wide approach at the community level (Adjei et al., 2002).
Threats to the Synergy
Despite the active involvement and the crucial role being played by the volunteers in providing community access to affordable and quality healthcare under the CHPS programme, the realm of community volunteers are beset with a number of operational challenges which hinder their work. Brinkerhoff (1999: 63) theorizes “incentives are the essential lubricant that makes partnerships possible. Positive incentives provide the stimulus that impels both the state and non-state sides of the equation to work together; negative ones discourage them from doing so”. We gathered that there is generally lack of motivation and incentives for the volunteers to aid in the performance of their duty. Indeed lack of equipment to work with remain the major challenges affecting community volunteers in most CHPS zones nationwide (Tierozie, 2011; SEND-Ghana, 2013). This has the demerit of making the work of the volunteers more difficult and tiring especially in situations where they have to travel or walk longer distances to households in the performance of their duties. In other context, it has been noted that volunteers start off enthusiastically but then their level of engagement falls off due to the lack of incentives (Acquah et al., 2006). This seems to have manifested in the Nsanfo case thus validating Brinkerhoff’s (1999) theory on the role such incentives play in the synergy equation.
The lack of motivation for the volunteers contradicts what has been stipulated in the policy document regarding the operation of CHPS. According to the policy framework guiding the implementation of the programme nationwide, volunteers are supposed to be provided with a means of transportation like bicycles, tricycles and sometimes motorbikes since most of them travel longer distances in the performance of their duties (GHS, 2005). These are great incentives because they are dashed to the volunteers and become their personal property (and for private use) so long as they remain volunteers. It is only when one resigns from the volunteering on some intangible excuse that he or she is expected to return such items. We argue for appropriate authorities to pay critical attention to the challenges facing the volunteers in order to ensure the sustainability of the programme. It is evident that the CHPS programme has achieved positive impacts and remains one of the cheapest means of improving rural healthcare. The least government can do is to address the challenges confronting the scheme. Even if authorities cannot meet the demands of the volunteers, an acceptable compromise can be reached through dialogue and negotiations (Aquah et al., 2006).
Conclusion and the way forward
This study sought to examine how state civil society partnership could be leverage as a means of ensuring delivery of healthcare to previously underserved rural communities. Our study focused on the collaboration between the state (Mfanstiman Municipal Health Directorate and Civil Society (community health volunteers) in the provision of healthcare in the Nsanfo community through the CHPS. We found that this partnership has resulted in bringing healthcare to the door steps of the people in the study area through reducing the distance and the cost involved in accessing health service. In varied ways, the programme has contributed to improving the child and maternal health and also in managing issues of injuries without treatment, occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases, maternal deaths and insanitary living conditions. However we take cognizance of the fact complicated cases such as problem of the eye, kidney, lungs and complicated delivery are not treated under the programme as these are referred to larger health centres. Additionally key factors such as lack of motivation for the volunteers, poor logistics, and deplorable state of the CHPS compound are the challenges that threaten the very existence of the synergy.
Moving forward, we are of the view that the solution to these challenges is a matter of political will by way of government prioritising healthcare and making more budgetary allocation to the health sector and the CHPS programme in particular. Brinkerhoff (1999:79) argues that “successful policy implementation partnerships must pay attention to crafting an agenda and actions that solicit and hold the interests of the non-state partners whose contribution is usually non-compulsory and non- remunerative”. We agree perfectly with the author and further find it hard to understand why there seem to be no strong commitment on the part of government in ensuring that this CHPS programme is supported to work effectively. The onus therefore lies with health planners and policy makers to devise appropriate and context-specific ways in which to achieve sustainability by keeping such volunteers’ motivated while at the same time keeping in mind the limitations of cost-containment in such actions (Kironde and Kahirimbanyi, 2002). In this way, Government must resource the various districts assemblies and the Municipal Health Directorate. These agencies when well resourced must come to the aid of the volunteers by providing them with the necessary equipment such as motorbikes, raincoats and other essentials that will aid in the work of the volunteers. Moreover, the community could also set up a fund to reward their own community members who decide to work as volunteers annually, i.e a small end of year get together to celebrate and appreciate the volunteers for their work over the period. Additionally, the Municipal Health Directorate together with the community members and leaders must as a matter of agency contribute to providing the necessary logistics such as weighing scales, hospital beds, thermometers, constant flow of water and security for the CHPS compound.
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